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Benvinguts a Can Gabarró Vell UN PLAER EN PLENA NATURA

Qui som

Can Gabarró Vell, una masia del segle XVII
Can Gabarró Vell és una masia antiga de principis del segle XVII situada a l’Alta Anoia, al terme municipal de Rubió amb un ambient acollidor on hi trobaràs la pau i tranquil·litat per a les teves vacances, celebracions o trobades empresarials. La finca està envoltada de camps de cereals i bosc, situada en un bonic entorn lluny del soroll a 730 metres d’altitud i amb una àmplia vista panoràmica, molt a prop del Castell de Rubió i a pocs minuts de la vila de Calaf.

Can Gabarró Vell és l’allotjament perfecte per a grans famílies, grups d’amics o empreses que vulguin celebrar trobades empresarials, celebracions d’aniversaris, comiats, tallers per a escoles, casaments… Les instal·lacions i l’entorn rural on es troba converteixen aquest indret en un espai ideal per a gaudir de la natura i de la companyia.

Can Gabarró ofereix les seves instal·lacions per a...

Turisme Rural

→  Can Gabarró té capacitat d’allotjament de fins a 21 persones, ideal per acollir trobades d’amics i/o grans famílies. L’entorn permet la diversió amb la possibilitat de fer esports d’aventura i la tranquil·litat del món rural.

Celebracions i Events

→  Les grans dimensions de la finca amb amplis jardins i zona d’aparcament fan de Can Gabarró un espai ideal per a la realització de casaments, comunions o altres esdeveniments familiars amb la possibilitat d’oferir allotjament als teus convidats.

Reunions empresarials

→  Can Gabarró disposa d’àmplies sales de reunió per a trobades d’empresa. Les característiques de la masia permeten combinar el treball amb l’oci i el descans de la piscina i els esports d’aventura que ofereix la zona.

La Masia

Amplis espais per a les teves vacances i celebracions


→ 3 de matrimoni.
→ 1 gran de matrimoni amb bany privat.
→ 1 amb dos llits individuals.
→ 1 sala amb lliteres juvenils per a 12 persones.

Espais Comuns

→ 3 Banys.
→ Cuina totalment equipada.
→ Sala amb llar de foc.
→ Sala amb vistes panoràmiques.
→ Menjador.
→ Bodega.

Comoditats i extres

→ WIFI gratuit.
→ Calefacció.
→ Llenya a disposició del client.
→ Televisió.
→ Rentadora.
→ Sala de jocs i Biblioteca.
→ Zona d’aparcament.

Espais exteriors

→  Piscina amb zona enjardinada.
→  Mobles de jardí.
→  Barbacoa.
→  Zona Bosc.

El millor lloc per a la teva celebració

És una excel·lent opció per organitzar un casament gràcies al seu espectacular paisatge, les seves instal·lacions i el seu servei. Un lloc en el qual gaudireu d’un dels dies més macos de la vostra vida.

Llocs d'interès

Ubicada en un indret excepcional amb un munt d'activitats per fer

− Dades de Contacte −


Ctra BV1031 Km 5,6
08719 RUBIÓ (Barcelona)

41°40’32.0″N 1°33’51.7″E
41.675549, 1.564370


Comercial: +34 633 66 29 67
Informació: +34 676 33 36 68

Formulari de Contacte


    Beaches: Maui, Hawaii


    Beaches: Maui, Hawaii

    Christina & Sandro got married in Venice in a sunny day of May. They are travellers from LA and they visited this city a few years ago. They completely felt in love with its beauty and so they decided to have an intimate destination wedding here. They wanted something “really venetian” but at the same time not commercial (they did not wanted a hotel or a structured accomodation) which give them and their guests a true experience.


    Dominican Republic


    Dominican Republic

    Christina & Sandro got married in Venice in a sunny day of May. They are travellers from LA and they visited this city a few years ago. They completely felt in love with its beauty and so they decided to have an intimate destination wedding here. They wanted something “really venetian” but at the same time not commercial (they did not wanted a hotel or a structured accomodation) which give them and their guests a true experience.


    Celine & Phillipe


    Celine & Phillipe

    Celine & Phillipe got married in Venice in a sunny day of May. They are travellers from LA and they visited this city a few years ago. They completely felt in love with its beauty and so they decided to have an intimate destination wedding here. They wanted something “really venetian” but at the same time not commercial (they did not wanted a hotel or a structured accomodation) which give them and their guests a true experience.


    Rustic Wedding Cake


    Rustic Wedding Cake

    Christina & Sandro got married in Venice in a sunny day of May. They are travellers from LA and they visited this city a few years ago. They completely felt in love with its beauty and so they decided to have an intimate destination wedding here. They wanted something “really venetian” but at the same time not commercial (they did not wanted a hotel or a structured accomodation) which give them and their guests a true experience.


    Winter Wedding Cake


    Winter Wedding Cake

    Christina & Sandro got married in Venice in a sunny day of May. They are travellers from LA and they visited this city a few years ago. They completely felt in love with its beauty and so they decided to have an intimate destination wedding here. They wanted something “really venetian” but at the same time not commercial (they did not wanted a hotel or a structured accomodation) which give them and their guests a true experience.


    Naples, Italy


    Naples, Italy

    Christina & Sandro got married in Venice in a sunny day of May. They are travellers from LA and they visited this city a few years ago. They completely felt in love with its beauty and so they decided to have an intimate destination wedding here. They wanted something “really venetian” but at the same time not commercial (they did not wanted a hotel or a structured accomodation) which give them and their guests a true experience.


    Romantic: Paris


    Romantic: Paris

    Sophie & Sam got married in Venice in a sunny day of May. They are travellers from LA and they visited this city a few years ago. They completely felt in love with its beauty and so they decided to have an intimate destination wedding here. They wanted something “really venetian” but at the same time not commercial (they did not wanted a hotel or a structured accomodation) which give them and their guests a true experience.


    Liza & Jeremy


    Liza & Jeremy

    Liza & Jeremy got married in Venice in a sunny day of May. They are travellers from LA and they visited this city a few years ago. They completely felt in love with its beauty and so they decided to have an intimate destination wedding here. They wanted something “really venetian” but at the same time not commercial (they did not wanted a hotel or a structured accomodation) which give them and their guests a true experience.



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